Fr. John Garabedian | Founder & Designer
Welcome to Auspice Maria Media! My name is Father John, and I am a priest and Associate Vocations Director for the Diocese of Fall River. As a former professional graphic designer, web designer, and motion graphic animator, I am passionate about communicating the love of God and the beauty of the Catholic Faith in new and inspiring ways. Auspice Maria Media aims to lead one into a deeper encounter with the Risen Lord by presenting the Gospel Message, catechetical resources, spiritual reflections, and beautiful artwork. For God is Love, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty itself, and Auspice Maria Media strives to reflect all of these aspects of the faith.
During a trip to the Holy Land while in the seminary, I came across two things that led to the creation of Auspice Maria Media. The first was a statue of Our Lady at the site of the crucifixion at Golgotha, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by a large sword. The second was an ancient Monogram of the traditional “A M” (Auspice Maria, Latin for “Under the Protection of Mary”) used for the Blessed Mother at the site of the Visitation. Inspired by these images, along with my love for sports and graphic design, I set out to create a modern twist on a classic symbol. May the Blessed Mother protect and lead you to her son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Image Credit: William Judd Photography)

Auspice Maria Media is a Proud Partner Ministry of JESUS aCROSS the Border, a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.
A “Partner Ministry” partnership is a mutually beneficial partnership, not only fulfilling major needs within both JESUS aCROSS the Border (JATB) and the “Partner Ministry”, but also enhancing both ministries in a way that will allow for exponential outreach and evangelization. The mission of “Partner Ministry” must align with the mission of JATB and fulfill a specific component of the JATB mission.